Thursday, July 3, 2008

Home is where the heart is!

Home Home I am coming...!

Its yet another beautiful Friday.... Fridays are always beautiful... ask an IT professional and he will vouch for it...and the fact that I am not at my workstation makes it more beautiful...

Its 6:10 in the evening...and here I am peeping through the window of my seat...The wheels move fast to faster...acceleration kisses its zenith...the engine moves vehemently....and I feel nostalgic as the train moves closer and closer towards my home!!!

Always wondered what power does the place “Homehave?

Big enough you may grow might have all the luxuries of might be living in the most exquisite place on this earth...but no other place can replace the tangibility you have when you are back at your home town...your home where you have spend your entire childhood...

I have spent major part of my life...rather I should say my teens (for life has just begun for me) away from home...Be it junior graduation...and even now I have been a hosteller...away from home...and perhaps this has made my attachment towards home rather less...this doesnt mean I dont love my family...but the fact that I dont need to talk home daily...for I have literally seen people talking home daily...and I have seen people falling homesick...and missing home miserably...

But yes....going back to my home always makes me feel excites me...exhilarates me... enriches me....Staying a week at home fills me with new vim and makes me feel green and newly’s like a stimulating dope after months of hard work...

Now as I fall short of word to express my feeling which is perhaps boundless....

I look outside the window...and I am lost...lost in the ecstasy of nature...the beautiful weather and needless to say my thoughts intoxicates now I put my pen to I enjoy my trance...

All I want to say is I am happy...enjoying this reflex...for Home I am coming!!!

By The Street Side....

Walking down the street
I saw the street, it was busy...
People moving and I could see the worries and tension they were carrying... and I paused to think what I was doing
Perhaps flowing like the river
I was one among them and then my eyes wandered around to look for a happy man….and I saw a few children playing hide and seek,

I could see they were enjoying...

Unaware of the trials and the difficulties the future had hidden for them
I stood there for a while
Smiling, quenching my quest seeing them enjoy….
Forgetting my worries and responsibilities for a while…
Then I moved ahead with the soul by my side –talking and arguing with me..
I moved and found few old people selling vegetables by the street side...
“Were they happy?”, I pondered, but they were making their living.
Moving ahead I saw few moving in their AC cars – and I questioned again...
“Were they happy?” with all the luxuries....

and I paused to think again….

What was I looking for?
Quick came the answer from my soul. You are looking for a meaning....
A meaning that your life could define...and I thought was I living just to die one day?
Would I achieve my dreams?
Dreams that remain plenty and still undefined….
The path seems empty and unexplored...
I continued walking along the street side with the soul by my side.
Arguing and fighting ….
Still with an unanswered question…
“Will I die before I leave my footprints strong enough to leave its mark?
Will I die before giving a meaning to my life………..

The Genesis….

It is said, “All that begins well ends well…..”

Well here is a beginning of a new blogger…lol…and I hope not to end that soon…again lol…

But yes, I always wanted to have my blog/diary where I can pen down my expressions…my eloquence on my life…my commentary on my friends…my elucidation on my childhood memories…my interpretation on expressions that life brings with it…in short expressions unlimited…

Moreover, being a thinker that I am…what better it could be then expressing my thoughts…penning it down…primarily for myself…and for others…sharing…sharing my take on different aspects of life…

But the sapidity of writing…this experience…this tangibility of making a blog…all would have remained a void….

Everything that you do is a result of some inspiration…either self inspired or an inspiration by someone…and it ends up in inspiration for someone else…This one is basically a result of inspiration…inspiration by a great friend…

So thanks to Yamini…and other great bloggers who have inspired and impressed me immensely….!

Yams, finally I am up with my blog…and my first article…

So, I hope you’ll be more than happy to see this blog coming up…So checkout my blog and beware a rising threat to your blogging business…lolz….

So friends checkout my blog… for this is just the beginning…The Genesis…!!!