Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Genesis….

It is said, “All that begins well ends well…..”

Well here is a beginning of a new blogger…lol…and I hope not to end that soon…again lol…

But yes, I always wanted to have my blog/diary where I can pen down my expressions…my eloquence on my life…my commentary on my friends…my elucidation on my childhood memories…my interpretation on expressions that life brings with it…in short expressions unlimited…

Moreover, being a thinker that I am…what better it could be then expressing my thoughts…penning it down…primarily for myself…and for others…sharing…sharing my take on different aspects of life…

But the sapidity of writing…this experience…this tangibility of making a blog…all would have remained a void….

Everything that you do is a result of some inspiration…either self inspired or an inspiration by someone…and it ends up in inspiration for someone else…This one is basically a result of inspiration…inspiration by a great friend…

So thanks to Yamini…and other great bloggers who have inspired and impressed me immensely….!

Yams, finally I am up with my blog…and my first article…

So, I hope you’ll be more than happy to see this blog coming up…So checkout my blog and beware a rising threat to your blogging business…lolz….

So friends checkout my blog… for this is just the beginning…The Genesis…!!!


Obscure Optimist said...

The Genesis is as good as it was in litereal terms!! Thanks for the credits, and i hope you keep up the blogging spirit high!! This is one of the best way to express yourself in the biggest democracy!!! Keep going!! I know you are fantastic at writing, just gather your wits and pen them down!! It'll be a treat for all of us, I bet on this!!! :D
Way to go dude!! Kudos!

Marie said...

Varu unleashes!!!
Looking forward to

varu... said...

Thank u yamini once again:-)

Scorpion said...

The Hidden Talent is unleashed...good one....

Nuka said...

hi dear...
u have done a great work..
this shows ur creativity and u hv beautifully moulded ur thoughts into these scripts...
nice selection of topics which are very true in everyone of our lives...

shashi said...

change the background to something oredark in colour the colour cobo of bckgrnd and foregrnd is not good enough for readibility....
also dar colours save energy remember BLACKLE.