Monday, September 15, 2008

For you, Sweethearts!!!

Gone are the days of campus masti…gone are the days of fun,excitement and adventure…gone are the days when one use to bunk classes to sleep…to sit in the canteen for hours and chat with frenz…gone are the days of long hours on phone calls…gone are the days of sitting in the green lawns of college in the evening…gone are the days of flirting(I mean it still goes on but the element of college days is missing)…gone are the days when we had crushes…gone are the days of promises and vows…but what remains is memories …memories of moments spent together…moments of friendship…moments of craziness…moments of doing things to what your heart said YES and mind a big NO…memories and moments that will never die…

here is one such crazy moment that I captured and want to bring life to it by putting up on my blog…it’s a poem that “ We” wrote together sitting in the canteen of our college…. Table no:2 Staff section…date:17 april ‘07

It was funny and completely crazy…I don’t know what went on with us when we thought of writing a poem and we actually wrote one… its really funny..but it brings smilesssssssss on my face whenever I read it…it takes me back to the days of our friendship…we took a xerox of it to maintain a copy … I hope now u can read it and have a good laugh ma “mysterious beautiful gal”.

Mysterious beautiful gal…hmmm yes she is mysterious…hmm u can say she is beautiful:)…atleast that’s what she wants to be called “mysterious beautiful gal”…so here it is a dedication to u ma “mysterious beautiful gal “and to all other beautiful crushes of mine:)

Here it goes:

Once I went to the canteen….

Shampooed my hair with pantene…(I neva used pantene in my life though it just to bring the rhyme u see canteen…pantene)

I brought slice and mountain dew…

To impress a girl who was very cute…

But all she said was you…you…

I took her cell phone number..

And she told me her boyfriend was a plumber…

And that he was a big time bummer…

I promised her to to be her knight in shinning armour…

She promised to be my valentine…

And that made me feel divine…

I brought her a coat of fur …

And we lived happily ever after….

Credits: Mysterious beautiful gal

& Varghese Kutty(that’s me)


Disclaimer: The readers are not supposed to disturb the author asking who the mysterious beautiful gal is?

The author is a busy person and will not answer such silly questions:)

But yes the author is generous enough to take time to read and appreciate your valuable comments!!!



Obscure Optimist said...

i bet there must have been crazier things that u must have done when you were young... (oops!!! i only meant, when you were in you college days :D).. I guess this post is sweetness personified. All cheers to your "mysterious beautiful gal"....
keep posting!

Unknown said...

i knw ur mysterious beautiful girl...

Anonymous said...

d title says Sweethearts.......
nt one hhmmm.......badiya hai!!!!!
matlab ur mysterious beautiful girl
ke liye aur un sab ke liye.....rite???